

When you can't play outside when the weather is too cold, too windy, and too snowy, we make the best of what we have indoors!! These kids made laps around the kitchen for a good 20 minutes and loved every second of it!!

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My kids love when my clients come over with helium ballons and leave them to stay.

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Butterfly Nets

The kids have a game that involves catching butterflies in nets. They enjoyed it until the batteries died (which is about the same story as nearly every other toy in this house). Then, kudos to them, they got creative and created their own game!! Silly kids.

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Dress Code?

Aubrey has been obsessed with dressing herself since I can remember. Probably about 2 years old. She always has an opinion, a preference, an idea, an attitude input about her attire - every single day! She will often change her clothes at least once during the day,...

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Spring Fever….

We finally got to go outside!! I wouldn't say it was warm, but it was definitely not too cold for the kids and pets to enjoy a romp in the yard. It was LAST YEAR that they were outside last time, so I'd say they were due!! After dodging all the dog bombs to get to the...

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Best Friends….

Aubrey seriously couldn't be a better big sister. She takes such good care of Brecken in the best way she knows how. When she brushes her teeth, he comes running to her while she loads his toothbrush for him. She helps get him drinks and snacks. She holds his hand...

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