Meet Bailey. She was 6 lbs of pure sweetness. She had a rough start, but then slept like a dream. So squishy and yummy! Here is her preview.
Hunter {6 months old} | Bloomington, Illinois Baby Photographer
Hunter is a Grow with Me baby. Last time I saw him, he was a mere 8 pounds. I love watching them grow. He is the HAPPIEST baby ever! I thought mine was happy, but this little boy was bouncy & smiley his entire session and didn't get mad once! I wanted to keep him...
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from our family to yours!
Thank you to all my clients for a wonderful year! I have been blessed to work with each and every one of you! I look forward to the year ahead! Have a Happy Holiday!
Rachel and Stu are expecting {Twins} | Bloomington, Illinois Maternity Photographer
This should be my last post until the new year! I am finally caught up! Rachel and Stu are going to be welcoming 2 babies this winter! They're having twin boys! They are going to be great parents, I can tell that already. They are keeping the names a secret until...
Holiday Card Sale Event!
I am thankful for all my supporters, clients, families, and friends that allow me to continue pursing my passion of photography. Since it is the week of Thanksgiving, I am going to offer 30% off all 2011 holiday cards for the entire week! The sale starts tomorrow at...
“R” Family and Their Pup | Bloomington, Illinois Family and Pet Photographer
Just love these two newly weds! They brought along their sweet pup too. She had spent a long day at the babysitter and was pooped by the time our session rolled around. She was sleeping in every photo (while sitting up). If I could figure out how to do that, I would...