by Chandi Kesler Photography / Apr 1 2019 /
Metamora IL East Peoria IL Baby Newborn Photographer
by Chandi Kesler Photography / Sep 23 2018 /
Hudson IL Baby Streator IL Newborn Photographer
by Chandi Kesler Photography / May 23 2017 /
Rantoul IL Baby Washington IL Newborn Photographer
by Chandi Kesler Photography / May 24 2016 /
Carrigan was a little more smiley this time around during her 9 month session. I adore her chubby cheeks, big brown eyes and her huge personality. Oh, and kuddos to her mom let’s me dress her up however I want!! Decatur IL Baby Clinton IL...
by Chandi Kesler Photography / Mar 23 2016 /
Coen’s was so shy during his one year session at my Bloomington IL photography studio. He was just so sweet standing there with his big blue eyes and chubby cheeks. I wanted to keep him. He lit up a little when my son came into the studio to help and gave a few...